Here you can find some questions to ask yourself that will help you shape your story.
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Moments of hope
Have you ever been in a situation where things felt uncertain, but you found a reason to keep going?
Was there a person, place, or experience that gave you hope when you needed it most?
Have you ever witnessed an act of kindness that reminded you that things do get better?
What’s a moment in your life that showed you hope is more powerful than fear?
Have you ever had to be the one to give someone else hope? How did that feel?
Time TO change
When was standing still no longer an option? What did it take for you to change?
Have you ever resisted change, only to later realise it was necessary?
Has anything ever prompted you to change your perspective completely?
What’s a risk you took that ended up changing your life?
Looking back, was there a small moment that ended up having a much bigger impact than you expected?
What was the hardest decision you’ve ever had to make, how did it shape you?
How did you know it was time to leave something behind—whether a place, a job, or a relationship?
Have you ever stood up for something (or someone) when it felt impossible? What happened?
What’s something you once thought you’d never have the courage to do—but did?
If you could go back to a moment when you were scared to take a leap, what would you tell yourself now?
What have you learned from your parents and family about love?
Do you value platonic love? Do you find platonic love easier or harder to find and maintain than romantic love?
Tell me about your first love. What did it teach you about love and relationships?
What does love mean to you? How has this definition changed throughout your life?
Describe a time when love was difficult. How did you navigate the situation?
What have you learned about love that will help you love better in future relationships?
Can you remember a moment when a loss changed you? How did it shape who you are today?
What’s something or someone you’ve lost that still stays with you in some way?
How did you find a way forward after losing someone or something important to you?
Is there a dream you had to let go of? What did that experience teach you?
Have you ever lost something you thought defined you? How did you rebuild?
What’s something you wish people understood about grief or letting go?